Most Memorable Movies

So I totally stole this from my friend Rebekah. She posted the following challenge on her always interesting blog ( Take no more than 15 minutes and list 15 memorable movies. I thought about it for a couple of minutes and came up with the following list.  These may not be my 15 favorites, but when you use the word memorable, I think about the feeling I felt when the credits began to roll. Therefore, some of my favorites that tend to get better with repeated viewings (Groundhog Day, Field of Dreams) wouldn’t make my list of most memorable. In no particular order:

1. Inception

Never have I seen a movie where I was stuck to the edge of my seat for a longer period of time than Inception. Probably the most enjoyable movie going experience I’ve ever had.

2. The Dark Knight

Another Christopher Nolan movie. It’s not a coincidence. I don’t think there is anyone making better movies today. I remember thinking during this movie how cool it was that a comic book movie could also be a truly great film.

3. Avatar

Held the title of most enjoyable movie going experience until I saw Inception. The story has been done, but the visuals were simply breathtaking.

4. Jurassic Park

One thing I love about going to movies is that a movie can be made more memorable by the people you watch it with, whether it be a friend with a DVD at home, or a packed house with the energy that only a midnight showing can generate. I remember seeing Jurassic Park on opening night, in a packed theater, from the front row at the age of 12 and wondering where they got the dinosaurs for the movie because they were just so real. By the time Jurassic Park wasn’t playing in Lincoln anymore, I’d seen it almost 10 times.(Mostly at the 2nd run theater, when it cost $1.50)

5. That Thing You Do

To this day, there isn’t another movie whose ending can make me smile like the end of That Thing You Do. I know that some of you may have lost some respect for me by putting this on my list, but I don’t care. I love That Thing You Do!

6. Toy Story 3

I knew that Pixar would make this list somewhere, and while I enjoyed all of the Pixar movies, three stick out to me as my favorites. Up, Cars, and Toy Story 3. I picked Toy Story 3 because I think anytime I can say that a movie challenged me to make some life changes, it’ s pretty memorable.  I could type many a post about how Toy Story 3 changed my thinking on issues of growing up and letting go, but I’ll save that for later.

7. Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace

I know it sucked, but seeing it opening night, at midnight, with hordes of people who had waited decades for a new Star Wars made this pretty memorable. Also, admit it, the pod racing was awesome.

8. Titanic

I know, another girl movie, but there’s no denying how well made Titanic was. The size and scope of the movie was huge, but it was pulled off. Sure the made up story got in the way of the real one every once in a while, but as far as a movie going experience goes, Titanic was something to behold.

9. Mission Impossible

I saw this in the old Stuart Theater on opening night. Packed house, front row, a killer new sound system, and a really entertaining movie made this movie going experience highly memorable.

10. The Usual Suspects

Sometimes movies are memorable simply because of how they throw you for a loop. The Usual Suspects fits perfectly in that category

11. Se7en

Memorable to me for the story, subject matter, characters, and like The Usual Suspects, throwing me for a loop in the end.

12. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

I’m sure I went to other movies before this one, but this is the first movie I remember my parents taking me to. It was even the late show. I think on a school night.

13. The Matrix

I think this one would probably make the list of most guys about my age.

14. District 9

Like Toy Story 3, District 9 caused me to evaluate some attitudes in my life, specifically the way I think of people who are different from me.

15. LOTR:Return of the King

A spur of the moment midnight show for a 3 hour movie when I had to work the next morning…and worth every sleepy second! I loved all of the LOTR movies, but the end was so supremely satisfying. My favorite moment: Hobbits who have just saved the world sit alone in the corner of the pub sit in silence while the rest of the place goes bananas over large produce.

Those were the first ones that came to mind, and while I’ve thought of more as I typed, I followed the rules and kept it in the time limit. What say you?

Umm, hi.

I’m not quite sure why I’m doing this and there’s a pretty good chance that this will be rarely updated and soon forgotten, but sometimes it seems like something I would enjoy, so I figured why not, it’s free! If that isn’t a fine recommendation as to why you should read this, I don’t know what is. So check back for my thoughts on, well you know, whatever. Probably mostly faith, sports, or entertainment, but we’ll see what happens. Thanks for stopping by.