Was that movie as terrible as I remember it?

With TV shows being on hiatus for summer, I thought it might be fun to take a week to watch some movies that I didn’t like the first time and give them a chance to redeem themselves now that I’m older and maybe my tastes have evolved, or devolved, or what not. Plus, it’ll give me something to use this blog for, so what the heck, right? I have the first 3 movies picked out already, and would be open to suggestions for others. Here’s the schedule as far as I know right now.

Day 1: Daredevil

Day 2: Ghost Rider

Day 3: Face-Off

Check back for my reviews.

Author: Jeremy

I'm a husband, a father, and just a regular guy. There's really no particular reason you should read my thoughts, but sometimes they're interesting, often they're strange, and occasionally they're funny, so I thought I'd make a blog as an outlet for them.

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