Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

  I watched a documentary on Netflix last month called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. The film follows Joe Cross, and Australian man in his early 40’s who has gotten fed up with his health (or lack thereof). He decides to fast for 60 days, eating nothing, and drinking only water and juice made from fresh fruits and vegetables. While fasting, he travels across the United States, talking with people he meets along the way about the food that they eat and how it effects their lives. At one of his stops, he comes across a trucker who weighs over 400 lbs and has the same ailments as he does. The trucker decides to follow Joe’s example, and from there, the documentary really becomes the story of the trucker’s return to health.

It was a very good documentary, and it really fired me up to do something about my health. That is why, starting today, Ash Wednesday, I have decided to do a juice fast until the end of Lent.  I’ve counted the cost, prepared my mind, and consulted health care professionals and I am ready to go. I will be posting updates on my blog about what I’m eating, what I’m enjoying, what I’m not enjoying, and the changes my body goes through during this process. My diet will consist of water, juice made from fresh fruits and vegetables, and green tea. I’ll do my best to update my progress, and if you see me putting something in my mouth that isn’t juice, water, or green tea, I give you my permission to tackle me!


Reading Update: I’m about halfway through The Kingdom of God is Within You by Tolstoy. It’s definitely a difficult read, but it is challenging to me as it is definitely a paradigm of Christianity that I haven’t viewed before. I probably disagree with more than I agree with so far, but it’s making me think, which is one of the biggest reasons I took on this challenge in the first place. I hope to finish the book by the end of February and post about it then. I look forward to hearing others thoughts about my thoughts after I’m done. (I’m looking at you Rebekah!)

Author: Jeremy

I'm a husband, a father, and just a regular guy. There's really no particular reason you should read my thoughts, but sometimes they're interesting, often they're strange, and occasionally they're funny, so I thought I'd make a blog as an outlet for them.

2 thoughts on “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”

  1. I love documentaries–and Netflix makes them so easy to watch.

    So far, it sounds like your reaction to The Kingdom of God is Within You is about the same as mine was. Keep us posted!

  2. Go for it. I started a 100% plant based diet this week after reading the research of Dr. Caldwell Esselsteyn. My blood pressure has not read this low since the year 2008! We are indeed what we eat. I am Christian also and my better judgment says that this is the way to go because Adam and Eve were told to eat of the fruit of the garden. Animal consumption began after the flood. Let us encourage each other. All the best!

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