Day One










Day one is in the books. It went very well, and was surprisingly easy. The one thing I had to be most careful about was accidental eating. I have had so many fasting days derailed in the past by just unconsciously picking up food that happened to be close and eating it before I realized what I was even doing. I had a couple of close calls, but came through unscathed. I did find it funny that while I rarely eat anything before 1:00 in the afternoon, but the day I start a 6 week juice fast, I wake up at 8:15 just absolutely starving.
I had a fun time with the kids making the juice. When we were done I had a glass of juice and went to take a shower. After I got dressed, I had another glass of juice, and went on a walk. This was all by 10:00. I had one more glass of juice at about 4:00, and just drank water for the rest of the day. I got somewhat hungry at about 7:00, but managed to make it through that feeling and after about 8:00 I felt just fine the rest of the evening. The only other difficulty came when I got home.from work, which is when I usually eat my biggest meal of the day. I made a cup of green tea, had a glass of water, and it all was fine. I really think that the hardest part of this journey won’t necessarily be the hunger, but just breaking the habits of eating that I’ve developed over the years.

I probably won’t post something every day, but I thought I should after day one. Thanks for reading!

Author: Jeremy

I'm a husband, a father, and just a regular guy. There's really no particular reason you should read my thoughts, but sometimes they're interesting, often they're strange, and occasionally they're funny, so I thought I'd make a blog as an outlet for them.

2 thoughts on “Day One”

  1. I am glad you are improving your health first of all. It is hard to break habits of eating, I know. Do you “juice” every juice? Lots of work. Be encouraged is your success the first day, now you know you can do it. I will be praying for strength for you.

  2. Not gonna lie, that juice doesn’t look very appetizing. But good for you for doing it anyway. Me, I’ll–no probably wouldn’t be a very smart/wise/kind thing for me to tell you what I’ve been pigging out on lately.

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