So Far, So…eh.

What a weekend! Saturday morning, my mother and I traveled to Chicago to help pack up and move my sister Beth and her family back to Lincoln where her husband Sean has accepted the lead pastor position at the church where my family and I attend. All I could think all weekend was “Why didn’t I start fasting AFTER this trip.” I was so hungry all weekend, and all around me were Italian beef sandwiches, Chicago dogs, and Chicago style pizza (…these are a few of my favorite things). If it weren’t for my family just flat out not letting me quit, I would not have made it through the weekend. But, when the going got tough, my mom and my sister (and my wife, over the phone) got tougher, and wouldn’t let me have any food! There was pain, and agony, and a lot of body fluids, but I am happy to say that I have made it home without eating and am now at the end of day 6, which is twice as many days as I’ve ever done in a row before. I’m beginning to have to mix up my recipe, as my gag reflex is getting less tolerant of the juice I have been making, but I feel fantastic, the hunger pains are getting less frequent, and my pants are a bit looser than they were on Tuesday.

My next post will be on Wednesday when I weigh in for the first time.


Author: Jeremy

I'm a husband, a father, and just a regular guy. There's really no particular reason you should read my thoughts, but sometimes they're interesting, often they're strange, and occasionally they're funny, so I thought I'd make a blog as an outlet for them.

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